Prepared and Frozen products


PestoandCo has selected the most typical products of Ligurian gastronomic tradition: un IQF frozen pesto, made with: 4 POD IGEDIENTS - Basil, garlic, olive oil Parmigiano Reggiano, Pecorino Cheese and pine nuts as the original recipe, the unique taste of this special sauce and the particular size of its units fits innumerable preparations.; Farinata and Panissa made with chickpeas flour, rustic,simple and absolutely gorgeous, available in various formats for a creative use by any chef. All types of frozen pasta such as Trofie, Gnocchi, Ravioli, Chicche, Pansotti and last but not least Focaccia pizzata, Cheese focaccia and Focaccia with pesto made in the old Ligurian oven, frozenright after cooking, ready to be tasted just as if you were in Genova.